Product Description
“Thermolego” bricks is the new, fast construction form with low final costs, and it consists of high-strength concrete blocks with protruding circular holes on its upper surface.. It extends to the lower layer to form (male and female) .. The presence of such geometry provides a clear fixation for this product during construction work. The laying of the elements is carried out with the help of a mortar of the same brick materials. Oligo bricks are an innovative building material and are an improved version of the self-contained insulating concrete bricks. It is used for the rapid construction of various buildings. Currently, Lego bricks are considered as the material of the new generation, in terms of efficiency and ease of use due to the quality of the material and ease of installation, as well as favorable prices, practicality and impeccable aesthetic appearance. However, the main difference is not the composition but the geometry of the elements. Formed by holes and profiles along its edges, masonry with such bricks, the holes are aligned, forming a channel through the entire structure, and the spike enters the groove, which allows the elements to be evenly aligned. Masonry is carried out automatically, even without excessive control, vertically and strictly, and the bricks do not have the possibility of displacement relative to each other.A according to the “tongue and groove” scheme. Lego brick is an advanced building block, with which you can build a variety of constructions quickly and efficiently. Because of its ease, simplicity and unique properties.
Thermoligo brick mixture consists of high quality materials (silica - ammonia silicate, manganese oxide, zeolite, kaolin, Portland cement, pigments, concrete additives to increase hardness and prevent permeability to resist water absorption). Manufacturing under a central pressure of up to 160 bar cm² and using a high-performance German machine, Thermoligo bricks are produced