Jeer Stone

Jeer Stone

Lime bricks are made from a homogeneous mixture of silica sand, lime and water.  They are formed by pressing into molds of different sizes and measurements. They are supplied with steam from the steam boiler and the bricks remain inside the steam ovens at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius and a steam pressure of 15 atmospheres for a period ranging from eight to ten hours, where the chemical reaction between the lime molecules and the fine sand grains occurs. This reaction results in the formation of hydrated calcium silicates that bind the sand grains together. All of this results in limestone bricks ready for use after they come out of the steam ovens. The following equation is produced:

Ca(OH)2 + Sio -----------------> Cao SiO2 H2O

The components of sand-lime bricks are also simple However, There are complex manufacturing requirements that must be met in each of these elements in order for the final limestone sandstone to be of the highest quality and durability, as follows:

The components

Silicon sand
 It is the main ingredient in the manufacture of limestone bricks or as it is known academically as “calcium silicate bricks”, and because it is the main component. The final properties of the bricks depend entirely on the properties of the sand used. Then it undergoes a long sifting process in powerful mechanical vibrators in order to ensure that it is free of all types of impurities, especially impurities of soluble organic materials.
Fly Ash or Volcanic Dust
Fly Ash is a very strong bonding agent between the components of the limestone bricks, as its constant interaction with lime forms a self-repairing factor for the block over time.
 It is important to choose the types that are characterized by a high percentage of calcium, because the types that are low in calcium are almost fragile to the point that they will not tolerate light rain spray on the walls, and the lime content must not be less than the recommended percentages.
 Usually Clean drinking water is used to ensure that it is completely free of any impurities. Most importantly, it is free of soluble salts and organic materials. They are only allowed at a rate not exceeding 0.25%, so it is not appropriate to use anything other than water and the salinity should not exceed 120 
Perhaps they are the easiest components to choose in terms of requirements. Their role is limited to coloring only. Provided that it does not contain materials capable of reacting with lime and sand and that they are oxides and not dust.
Concrete additives
Some of the concrete additives that prevent water absorption are added to the mixture to reduce the ability to absorb water to become within the permissible limit of 2-5%


Advantages of Jeer Stone

One ​​of the factors of its popularity in construction and building. As well as in interior decoration and facade beautification. Among the most important of these features:
The accuracy of its dimensions and sizes
The accuracy of the dimensions and sizes of limestone bricks not only gives the facility an aesthetic and structural dimension, but also reduces costs and time wasted in repairs
High breaking strength
It is characterized by high endurance, so it is used as internal and external load-bearing walls without concrete columns, strength and durability with a compressive strength of up to 25 Newton/mm2, meaning that a wall of it with a thickness of 14 cm block is enough to carry a knot with a sea length of 12 meters, its strength increases with the passage of time due to its interaction with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its transformation into something similar to natural stone. It is characterized by strength
Good thermal and sound insulation 
Lime bricks have good thermal insulation properties because the lime and the vacuum together reduce thermal conductivity and disperse sound in the walls of the facility.
Moisture and fire resistance 
Bricks made of lime, silica and volcanic ash have the property of not forming moisture at all and are fire resistant for up to 4 hours, due to the fact that all the materials used in its manufacture are fire resistant..
Low construction cost 
 Thanks to the low construction costs (it does not require reinforced columns, plastering, stone installation or paint), which makes it an ideal choice for those with weak and medium budgets. A good choice for any building expansion without high costs.
 The density of the limestone bricks reached 1600 kg³ Which makes it less dense than cement bricks  
by 20%
Fast and easy to use 
As it is used directly, it does not require plastering, painting or installing stone and has smooth, plain white and colored faces according to the chosen color, enjoying a beautiful view.
- The regularity of the shape and the accuracy of the dimensions, its straight edges, flat surfaces and right angles make it easy to build in different shapes and types
- Available in different and multiple colors and can be used in interior designs and decorations and has a wide possibility of shaping according to the request. Its natural color and the required coloring are attractive and its soft surfaces reflect the heat in the summer and spread light and light inside.